Percentage Calculation

Percentage Calculator

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Number (X)
Number (Y)

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Reduction %

Percentage Calculation - Definition

How to calculate percentages: A practical guide with examples

Percentage calculation is a basic mathematical skill that has wide application in everyday life, finance, business, and many other fields. In this article, we will present a simple step-by-step guide on how to calculate percentages, along with examples and applications.

What are percentages?

Percentages are a way of expressing a part of the whole as a fraction of a hundred. The word "percent" comes from the Latin "per centum", which means "per hundred". This means that 1 percent is equal to one hundredth of a part, i.e., 1/100.

How to calculate percentages?

1. Percentage formula

The simplest way to calculate percentages is to use the percentage formula:

Percent = (Part / Whole) * 100%


  1. Part: The number you want to express as a percentage.
  2. Whole: The total number to which the part refers.

2. Examples

Example 1: Calculating the percentage of a number

If we want to calculate what percentage of the number 20 is 5, we can use the formula:

Percent = (5 / 20) * 100% = (0.25) * 100% = 25%

Therefore, 5 is 25% of the number 20.

Example 2: Calculating a number based on a percentage

If we want to calculate what 15% of the number 200 is, we can use the formula:

Number = (15 / 100) * 200 = 0.15 * 200 = 30

Therefore, 15% of the number 200 is 30.

Applications of percentages

1. Personal finance

Percentages are commonly used in personal finance to calculate interest on loans, bank deposits, or changes in the value of investments.

2. Trade and business

In trade and business, percentages are used to determine margins, discounts, increases and decreases in sales, and other indicators.

3. Financial mathematics

In financial mathematics, percentages are key in calculating compound interest, the future value of investments, and the valuation of assets.

History of Percentages: How This Basic Mathematical Concept Came To Be

Percentages, although they may seem like one of the simplest mathematical concepts, have a long and interesting history. Their genesis dates back to antiquity, and their development and significance have evolved over time with the advancement of human thought and needs. In this article, we will delve into the history of percentages, their beginnings, and significance in various cultures, and how they have been integrated into today's world of business, finance, and science.

The beginnings of percentages

The concept of percentages has its roots in the ancient world. The first records of percentage calculations come from Mesopotamia and ancient Egypt, where they were used for simple mathematical and commercial operations.

In ancient Egypt, during the construction of the pyramids, similar percentage concepts were used to calculate taxes and manage resources. The Mesopotamians also used similar techniques for settling trade, exchanging goods, and calculating profits.

Development in ancient Greece and Rome

With the development of Greek and Roman mathematics, the concept of percentages evolved. Greek mathematicians, such as Euclid and Archimedes, studied the relationships between numbers and applied them in various fields, including finance.

In ancient Rome, percentages began to play an increasingly important role in commercial and financial transactions. They were used to calculate interest on loans, trade shares, and in assessing profits and losses.

The Middle Ages and Renaissance

In the Middle Ages and Renaissance, percentages became increasingly common in European countries. The development of trade and banking contributed to the spread of the use of percentages in financial calculations.

Italian bankers from Florence, such as the Medicis or Fibonacci, contributed to the development of financial mathematics, including percentage calculations. Fibonacci, known for the sequence of numbers named after him, was one of the first to describe the application of percentages in financial calculations.

Percentages in the modern era

With the development of sea trade, colonialism, and the industrial revolution, percentages became a key tool in the world of business and finance. The advancement of mathematics, especially probability theory and statistics, enabled an even wider application of percentages in various scientific fields and everyday life.

Today's significance

Today, the concept of percentages is an integral part of our daily lives. We use them in personal finance, trade, business, social sciences, and even in sports and health. Percentages are the basis of many analyses, forecasts, investment strategies, and economic decisions.

Summary of the history of percentages

The history of percentages spans thousands of years of human civilization. Initially simple concepts evolved into complex mathematical instruments that play a key role in today's world. Understanding the history of percentages helps us appreciate their significance and application in various fields of life.

Thanks to percentages, we can better understand the world around us and make more informed decisions both mathematically and practically.


Calculating percentages is an important mathematical skill that is widely used in various fields of life. With the simple percentage formula, you can easily calculate percentage values and use them in daily calculations, finance, business, and many other situations. Remember, the ability to use percentages can significantly facilitate data analysis and the making of informed decisions both in personal and professional life.